Low from 2014 in the rate of unemployment of persons with disabilities

The unemployment rate among persons with disabilities in Spain reached 2022 in 21.4%, the lowest historical record from 2014

Tasa paro

The unemployment rate among persons with disabilities in Spain reached 2022 in 21.4%, the lowest historical record from 2014, as outlined in the report “ X-Ray of the labour market of persons with disabilities' survey. conducted by the foundation Randstad alongside Randstad Research. 

This analysis, based on the latest data provided by the Imserso and INE in 2022, reflects the total number of unemployed people with disabilities was 146,400 people, a decrease of 3.7 with regard to 2021.  

If we compare this figure with the data recorded from 2014 is even more valuable as it reflects that, since then, more than 45,000 persons with disabilities have been lifted out of the situation of unemployment. 

The population of persons with disabilities is 3.4 billion, reflecting a 7.1% of the spanish population. Persons between 16 and 64 years represented the 1.94 billion, the most high from 2014, which represent the 6.3 per cent of the total number of working age, which, while remaining stable in 2021, marks an increase of more than 200,000 people in the past eight years. 

La Rioja (44.5 per cent), the basque country (43.2 per cent) and the community of Madrid (43.1 per cent) are as the autonomous communities with higher rates of activity; while The Canary Islands (26.6 per cent), Andalusia (29.7 per cent) and Galicia (29.9 per cent) were recorded as those that have less activity.  

The employment of persons with disabilities grew by 4 per cent in the year 2022, which means that almost 540,000 people with disabilities are employed. Thus, the employment rate rose to 27.8%, almost point higher than last year. 

The profile of persons with special abilities of employees with open-ended contract, full-time and, in seven out of 10 cases, more than 3 years. 


Source: Servimedia