
Privacy policy

Information about the use of personal data that you supply us with and the rights that you can have on them.

Privacy policy

Through this portal are not collected personal data without your knowledge, nor are yielded to third parties.

  • To offer better service and facilitate the use, including an analysis of statistical data the number of pages visited, the number of visits, and frequency of use. For this purpose, the public employment service (SEPE) uses the statistical data prepared by Google Analytics.
  • The SEPE does not use cookies to collect information from users, or record the IP addresses. We only use their own cookies, technical purposes, in order to facilitate user navigation through the site by facilitating access to services offered, as well as the various options available.

The portal, which holds the SEPE, contains links to other websites, for the privacy policies are outside the SEPE, each of them will show its privacy policy and cookies. With a general nature, can accept or reject the third party cookies from the configuration options of your browser.

Listed below are the basic information on the data protection policy in the public employment service.  

Data controller

The public employment service Estatal (hereinafter SEPE) with address at Calle Condesa of Venadito 28027 follow - Madrid is the holder of this Web Portal and responsible for the processing of your data, in the terms of regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the european parliament and of the council of 27 april 2016 (RGPD), relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the treatment of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing directive 95/46/ec, and in accordance with organic law 3/2018, of 5 december on Personal data protection and guarantee of drm. For this purpose, shall take the necessary measures to avoid the alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access of personal data.

The personal data that you may be collected directly from the data subject shall be treated as confidential and will be incorporated into the corresponding treatment activity ownership of the SEPE.

The updated list of activities of the SEPE treatment takes place is available in the following link to the register of activities of the Ministry of labour and Social economy.

Purpose and legitimacy of treatment. Deadlines for Conservation of personal data. Assignments and International Transfers of personal data

The collection and automatic processing of personal data for the purpose of managing, provision, extension and improvement of services requested at each time by the user and the follow-up to queries made by users. The aim is for each of the activities of treatment that is accessible in the register of Treatment activities.

The processing of personal data is made primarily to the fulfilment of legal obligations on the part of the SEPE, or for the performance of functions carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred al responsabile del trattamento, mainly through the Royal Decree 1383/2008, from 1 august, which approves the organizational structure and institutional participation in the public employment service State within the framework of the royal decree 208/1996 of 9 february, regulating the management information services and attention to the citizen.

You can consult the legal basis for each of the treatment activities carried out by the SEPE in the register of treatment activities.

The deadlines for conservation of their personal data will be determined depending on the rules applicable to the particular case and, in any event, during the time required to comply with the purpose for obtaining and to determine possible responsibilities which might arise from the end, in addition to the periods laid down in the regulations and administrative documentation.

In general there will be no communications of personal data to third parties, unless required by law, including estarlas communications to the ombudsman, judges and courts, please consult the targeted for each of the activities in the register of treatment activities.

Exercise of Rights

You have the right to access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, limitation and opposition to the treatment, as well as to non-decisions solely in the automated treatment of your data, where appropriate, to the public employment service. In the case of ignoring the Organ responsible for the treatment or if you need to conduct consultations concerning data protection, may be addressed to the delegation for the protection of Data via the e-mail:

The person concerned may lodge a complaint to spanish data protection agency, when it considers that have violated their rights to protection of personal data.

The data will be gathered via the corresponding forms, which contain only the fields necessary for the processing of benefits or services that may be requested, and will be retained for the time to meet the essential services, on the basis of existing legislation, on prescription. It is up to you the updating of their own data; the public employment service State will not be liable for its inaccuracy if do not communicate changes that have been produced.

The SEPE reserves the right to modify this privacy policy to reflect current developments in legislation, jurisprudence or interpretation of speeches delivered in the Spanish data protection agency. In this case, the SEPE announced these changes, clearly indicating and advance the changes, and to request, if necessary, its acceptance of those changes.


Essential technical information

The SEPE shall obtain the minimum technical information essential to provide a good service through this website. In particular, when the user connects to this website, the SEPE analyses exclusively the type of browser used and their version, with the objective of identifying the style sheet, and that the display of the Site is correct, as well as the language and the character set your browser with the same reason, such as the correct visualization of accented characters.

Multilingual Version

The present website is translated into several languages spanish records in their respective territories in accordance with article 3 of the 1978 constitution and Statutes of autonomy. Language is catalan, basque, galician, valenciano, english and french for the Websites of the network COE and State Centre. And in english and french for the websites of the network COE of Ceuta and Melilla.

It should be pointed out that, with a general nature, cannot be a gap between the spanish version and in other languages, resulting from the translation process.

Responsibility and guarantees

The SEPE declares that it has taken all necessary measures to ensure the functioning of this Web space, security in the exchange of information and data in the various services offered, avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to users.
The SEPE is committed to at the end-user maintenance on the potential and availability of the page, through news notices and established on the website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any matter relating to the Web services, is spanish law.