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Os informamos de la disponibilidad en la web de Fundae de un nuevo espacio Conoce tu sector que permitirá conocer la información más relevante y las últimas tendencias de cada sector productivo de nuestro país, que pretende dar una visión clara de cada uno de los sectores y que sin duda será de gran utilidad para empresas y personas trabajadoras.

Punto Violeta Portada


The State Public Employment Service (SEPE), in its commitment against gender violence, celebrated on 12 March the inauguration of the Violet Points installed in the Employment and Benefits Offices of the Community of Madrid, the Provincial Directorate of Madrid and the Central Services of our Organisation. 

Congreso Internacional Vida


The COE state has participated on 22 and 23 february in the international congress of "direction throughout life" held in Donostia and organized by the Universidad del país Vasco and by the spanish association of guidance and Educational Psychology (AEOP) in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional de educación a Distancia (UNED).