The reconvening of Registrar to digitize small businesses registrar issued the third call for subsidies of Digital Kit addressed to the digitization of small businesses within the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience (PRTR).

Kit Digital. Third call of grants for the digitization of small businesses. registrar issued the third call for subsidies of Digital Kit addressed to the digitization of small businesses within the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience (PRTR).

These subsidies are aimed at improving competitiveness through digitization of small businesses (aged 0-3 employees), micro-enterprises and individuals in situations of self-employment.

Digital Kit to modernize the productive fabric

The Digital Kit, driven by the government of spain and managed by Registrar, aims to promote digitisation of small businesses, microenterprises and self-employed, as well as to contribute to modernize the productive fabric.

This programme is funded by the european union through the funds NextGenerationEU, within the framework of the recovery Plan, the Digital agenda 2025 Spain and the Plan of digitizing 2021-2025 Smes. registrar is a public entity, the ministry of economic and Digital Transformation.

One of the functions of this entity is to manage, in coordination with other public administrations and agencies, various programmes of dissemination and outreach of the information society.

Deadline for submission of requests

The deadline for submission of requests will be from 20 october at 11 p.m. through headquarters electronic Registrar and shall remain open for 12 months.
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